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GC - Reline - Bonding Agent Liquid - (12 ml)

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29,17 €



Bonding Agent Liquid

12 ml

Hard chairside denture relining material

MMA-free resin* for durable long-term relining of full and partial dentures.

*The bonding agent in the kit contains MMA


Suitable for chairside and laboratory-made long-term relining procedures.

     • Methyl methacrylate-free - no unpleasant odours, lower risk of allergies

     • Will not irritate the oral mucosa thanks to a maximum temperature of 40°C during setting

     • Exceptional consistency that provides a perfect anatomical fit

     • Incredibly accurate with minimised potential for distortion during removal

     • Patients spend less time in the chair since you can finish and polish just 5½ minutes after mixing

     • Good adhesion between Reline and the denture base

Mehr Informationen
Handlungen Relings
Material Kunststoff