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Edenta - TC Cutter Cross Cut Superfine LCC (1 pc)

Im Bestand
Auf Lager
24,37 €
  • Kauf 10 für 21,93 € jeweils und spare 10%

TC Cutter Cross Cut Superfine

Superfine Titanium - Nitride Coated

These special titanium-nitride coated cutters offer specific cool-cutting properties, e.g. for clasp preparation in the shoulder area, shortening of attachments, fine finishing of inlays incl. ceramic inlays.

1 pc

Inverted cone

Length: 5.5 mm

Ø 2.3

Instructions For Use

Speed Recommendation

Mehr Informationen
Größe Superfein
Handlungen Endbearbeitung
Material Titannitrit
Typ HP
Merkmal Keramik, Keramik, Edelmetall