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Erkodent - Erkopress CI Motion - (1 pc)

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3.691,63 €


Erkopress CI Motion

1 pc

Pressure forming unit with automated thermoforming process
with self-sufficient, integrated production of compressed air. The Erkopress ci motion has a powerful, integrated compressor
with reserve compressed air. Thereby the unit is independent of a compressed air system that possibly has to be installed.


     • Program the foil
     • Insert foil
     • Start the heating process
     • Place model
     • Everything else will be done by the device

     • The thermoforming process as well as the cooling time will run automatically.
     • Touchless temperature sensor to exactly determine the actual temperature (patented) of the thermoforming materials.
     • For uniform wall thicknesses the hot foil will be placed vertically onto the model.
     • The adaption is taking place without delay.
     • Outstanding workplace safety through automatic switch-off function.
     • Pinch protection during the automated thermoforming.
     • The medium-wave infrared heating without preheating time, heats up the material not only on the surface but also indepth.
     • Easily accessible model during heating period.
     • Acoustic and visual signal (suitable for people with impaired hearing).
     • Program-controlled function and process.
     • The program contains all Erkodent thermoforming materials and as a quick guide, supported by animations, it leads through the workflow and signalizes the necessary work steps.
     • Select the desired foil and thickness and start the process.
     • Frequently used foils, new foils and even modified factory settings can be saved as favorites.

Technical Specification:

     • H 32 / W 33 / D 43 cm
     • Weight 21,3 kg
     • Foil diameter 120 mm
     • Foil thickness 0 - 5.5 mm
     • ~220 - 240 (100, 110 - 120) Volt, 50 - 60 Hertz
     • Power: 440 watt
     • Noise level < 70 dB(A)
     • Working pressure 6 bar

Instructions For Use

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