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Erkodent - Erkoskin - (50 ml)

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Nur noch 5 verfügbar
25,70 €



50 ml

Self-hardening protective film for almost all materials. Permanently elastic, acid and base resistant, rupture-resistant, removable without residues, fast drying.


Only open container while removing Erkoskin, tightly close container immediately after use and store at a cool place. Drying fast, on plaster app. 5 min., on other materials app. 10 min.


     • As spacer when fabricating bleaching trays.
     • To relieve tension of the gingival margin in the thermoforming technique.
     • As protection of plaster dies against trim water, high-gloss metal parts when sandblasting and high-gloss ceramic parts when etching, etc.

Instructions For Use

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Farbe Lila