Occluform 3
1 pc
Occluform-3, a unique occludator for the Erkoform units of the 3 series. The construction of the Occluform-3 unit is based on a Bonwill triangle with side length of 11.5 cm and a Balkwill angle of 20°.
Due to measurements that are in accordance with the ones of a state of the art average movement articulator, the Occluform-3 allows for a mean/mid-value rising of the bite.
With the help of the Occluform-3 the models can be articulated if a construction bite is available that was taken either orally or in a fully adjustable articulator.
A marking line on the supporting pin corresponds to a bite rising of approx. 1 mm at the incisal point.
• The new and stronger arresting joint needs less effort for a secure locking.
• Plaster-free model fixation.
• A lot of space, even for high models.
• Single column construction for best model accessibility.
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