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Erkodent - Playsafe Triple Light Set - (1 set)

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Ab 17,95 €


Playsafe Triple Light Set

1 set

Playsafe triple light meets the wish, to offer a comfortable mouthguard with highest protective effect also in case of cramped oral situation. Playsafe triple plates are 3-layered, inner and outer side soft, intermediate layer hard. The Playsafe triple plate has a thickness of 5.5 mm. The Playsafe triple light plate has a thickness of 4.1 mm.

Material specification:

A Playsafe triple light can be realized in the same time as a single-layered sports mouthguard, but it offers at least the same protective effect than the laminated version.

Mehr Informationen
Andere Benennung Tiefziehen
Typ Playsafe