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Mestra - Round Electro Vibrator Ø 120 mm - (1 pc)

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Special Price 309,85 € Regular Price 333,17 €


Round Electro Vibrator

Ø 120 mm

1 pc

Its body is made of white colour anodized aluminium, and rests on suction pads. Working surface is made of rubber on a metal body and has a recess of 30 mm for inserting the tray. It is equiped with a potenciometer, selector switch for stepped adjustment of vibrations and “ON” light.


    • Height: 100 mm

    • Working area: 120 mm

    • Weight: 2,5 kg

Technical Characteristics:

     • Supply voltage: 230 V, 50 Hz

     • Fuse: 1 A

Instructions for use

Exploded view