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Kuraray - Panavia SA Cement Universal Automix White - (4.6 ml)

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4213 EU
122,05 €


Panavia SA Cement Universal Automix White

Self adhesive cement

4.6 ml

The benefits

     • Wide indication coverage including adhesion bridges and lithium disilicate

     • Easy storage at room temperature

     • Easy application with little pressure

     • Improved Endo tip for easier root canal application

     • Automix and Handmix delivery


     • Cementation of crowns, bridges, inlays and onlays

     • Cementation of prosthetic restorations on implant abutments and frames

     • Cementation of adhesion bridges and splints

     • Cementation of posts and cores

     • Amalgam bonding

PANAVIA™ SA Cement Universal is a forerunner in self-adhesive resin cements containing the unique LCSi monomer that adheres to virtually every material including glass ceramics without the need for a separate primer.

Using a unique silane coupling agent built into the paste - LCSi monomer - the cement delivers a strong, durable chemical bond to porcelain, lithium disilicate and composite resin. The original MDP monomer present in the paste too, allows for chemical reactiveness with zirconia, dentin and enamel.

Gum removal

Technical Specifications

    • F-ion release: Contains surface treated sodium fluoride (less than 1%)

    • Storage temperature: 2 - 25°C / 36 - 77°F

    • Filler loading: 62 wt % (40 vol%)

    • Compressive strength1: 300 MPa

    • Flexural strength 1,2: 91 MPa

    • Flexural modulus 1,2: 4.6 GPa

    • Water sorption 1,2: 27 µg/mm3

    • Film thickness:  Approx. 14 µm 

    • Radiopacity2 : 170 % Al

    • Working time (23°C): 60 sec. 

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